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The Hittites - Chronology of Political and Economic Events


6500-5600 B.C. - Catal Hayuk (Chatal Hoyuk)(southern Turkey) becomes farming and trading center.
c 6000 - Catal Hayuk burnt to ground.
5400-4000 - Copper Age begins in Middle East.
Inhabitants of Catal Hayuk smelt copper and lead.
3500-3000 - Bronze Age begins in Mesopotamia.
Tin added to copper to produce stronger bronze
2500 - Indo-European-speaking peoples, probably from the Balkans, arrive in northwestern Anotolia (northern Turkey).
2300 - Early settlers begin to move into west and south of Anatolian plateau.
2200 - Hittites begin to occupy central Anatolia.
2000 - Occupation of central Anatolia completed, probably originating in northwestern Anatolia.
1950 - First written references to Hittites by scribes at Assyrian trading post at city of Kanesh.
1700 - King Anitta of Kussara conquers Hattusa, future capital of Hittite Empire.
1680 - 1650 - Labarna I begins uniting rival city-states.
1500 - 1000 - Beginnings of Iron Age.

Old Kingdom

1650-1620 - Labarna II continues to expand kingdom, establishes captital at Hattusa.
Changes name to Hattusili I, "man of Hattusa."
1647 - Hurrian invasion repelled.
1645 - 1620 - Wars against Syria.
1620 - Marsilis (Mursilis) (Mursili) I ascends throne.
1600 - Conquest of Aleppo.
1595 - Sack of Babylon.
Marsilis I murdered by brother-in-law, Hantilis, on return to Hatussa.
1595 - 1525 - Internal struggle and series of palace revolts.
Kaskan invasion.
Hurrians expand kingdom.
1550 - Ammuna murders father Zidanta and ascends throne
1525 - King Telipinus restores order

Middle Kingdom

1500-1450 - Hittite Kingdom declines
Hittites lose control of northern Syria to Kingdom of Mitanni (Hyksos Kingdom).
Egypt expands influence on eastern Mediterranean.

New Kingdom (Hittite Empire)

1450 - Tudhaliyas I founds new dynasty.
1450-1440 - Egptian Pharaoh Tuthmosis III captures Mitanni city of Kadesh on sixth expedition.
1440 - Tuthmosis III defeats Hurrians.
1380 - Suppiluliuma ascends throne
During reign Mitanni kingdom destroyed and Mitannni king Tushratta killed
Hittites conquer Syria
1366 - Conquest of Kingdom of Isuwa; conquest of Kadesh.
1353 - City of Carchemish besieged and captured.
Tutankhamen's widow requests that Suppiluliuma send his son to be her husband
Son murdered on way to Egypt.
1346 - Death of Suppiluliuma.
1345-1310 - Reign of King Marsilis II.
Kingdom endures plague lasting twenty years.
1330 - 1297 (alt. 1315-1282) - Reign of King Muwatalli
Kaska peoples capture and burn Hatussa
Royal residence transferred from Hatussa to Dattassa.
1300 (alternate date 1285) - Battle of Kadesh between Hittites and Egypt.
1280 - Marsilis III ascends throne.
Capital moved from Dattassa back to Hatussa.
1275 - Hattusili III usurps throne.
1275 - 1265 - Loss of Arzawa and western vassal states.
1269 - Egyptian-Hittite peace treaty
1265 - Death of Hattusili III
1265 - 1240 - Reign of Tudhaliyas IV.
Copper mines of Isuwa lost to Assyria.
1225 - 1200 - Reign of Suppiluliumas III.
Temporarily revives kingdom.
Period of unrest
Possible climactic change leads to drought and contributes to unrest.
1200-1190 - Hittite Kingdom apparently overrun by invaders sometime after 1200.
1191 - Egyptian army under Ramses III defeats Sea Peoples.


1000 - 725 B.C. - Neo-Hittites take over former Hittite cities.
c 875 - Samaria, capital of northern Kingdom of Israel founded by King Omri
(c. 885-874).
c 852 - 841 - Combined force of Egyptians and Hittites delivers Samaria from besieging Syrian army.