Athens - The Political History
Political Chronology
632 - Cylon seizes Acropolis and tries to establish a tyranny
621 - Draco codifies laws
594-3 - Archonship of Solon
561-60 - Pisistratus seizes tyranny at Athens
546-45 - Persia subjugates Asiatic Greeks
528-27 - Death of Pisistratus
Hippias assumes power
514 - Conspiracy of Harmodius and Aristogiton
510 - Fall of the Pisistratid tyranny.
501 - Institution of the Ten strategoi of the the tribes at Athens
499 - Ionian revolt against Persia
493-492 - Archonship of Themistocles
487 - Ostracism of Hipparchus
483-2 - Discovery of silver bed in Laurion district
482 - Themistocles decree to build Athenian fleet
480 (August) - Spartan defeat by Persians at Thermopylae
(September) - Battle of Salamis
479 (August) - Persian defeat at Plataea
Persian naval defeat at Mycale
Ionian revolt from Persia
477 - Foundation of Confederacy of Delos
472-1 - Athens uses military expedition to force Carystus to join Confederacy
469 - Naxos tries to withdraw from League
Athens forces Naxos to surrender
465-463 - Thasos revolts but is defeated by Athens
454 - Confederacy treasury transferred from Delos to Athens
449-48 - Athens negotiates peace with Persia
448-7 - Pericles persuades Athenians to continue League levies
Tribute to be used to rebuilt Athenian temples
447 - Construction of the Parthenon begins
447-6 - Revolt and defeat of Euboea
446-5 - Thirty years' peace between Athens and Peloponnesians
440-39 - Revolt of Samos and Byzantium
432 - Revolt of Potidaea
Completion of the Parthenon
Start of the Peloponnesian War
430 - Plague outbreak in Athens
429 - Death of Pericles
421 - Peace of Nicias ends first phase of Peloponnesian War
415 - Athenian expedition to Sicily
413 - Destruction of Athenian expeditionary force412 - Athenian allies revolt
411 - Revolts at Rhodes, Abydus, Lampsacus, Thasos, and Euboea
Council of Four Hundred takes over Athenian government
Deposed after four months
410 - Democracy restored to Athens
409 - Colophon retaken by Athenians
408 - Chalcedon and Byzantium recovered by Athens
407 - Thasos retaken
405 - Spartan naval forces under Lysander blockade Athens
404 - Athens surrenders
Long Walls pulled down
The "Thirty" assume control of Athenian government
403 - Fall of the Thirty
399 - Death of Socrates
395 - Athens begins to rebuild the Long Walls
395-4 - Athens joins confederation against Sparta
393 - Completion of Long Walls