The Soviet Union -
Chronology of Political Events
- Emancipation Edict - Czar abolishes serfdom and frees Russian peasants.
- March 1 - Czar Alexander II assassinated with a bomb.
- Famine in Russia; estimated 375,000 to 400,000 fatalities.
- February - Minister of Education Bogolepov assassinated.
- April 2 - Interior Minister Sipiagin assassinated.
- July-August - Second Congress of Russian Social-Democratic Party
- Party splits into Menshevik and Bolshevik factions.
- February 8 - Russo-Japanese War begins with Japanese attack on Port Arthur.
- July 15 - Interior Minister Plehve assassinated with bomb.
- December 20 - Port Arthur surrenders to Japanese.
- January 7-8 - Major industrial strike in St. Petersburg.
- January 9 - Bloody Sunday
- January 10 - Industrial strikes throughout Russia.
- January 18 - Government agrees to convoke Duma.
- June - Riots and massacres in Odessa.
- September - Strike activity.
- October 12-18 - Constitutional-Democratic (Kadet) Party formed.
- October 13 - St. Petersburg central strike committee formed, to be renamed St. Petersburg Soviet.
- October 14 - Strikes paralyze St. Petersburg.
- November 21 - Moscow Soviet formed.
- December 6 - General strike ordered by St. Petersburg Soviet.
- December 8 - Government orders troops in against Moscow insurgents.
- December 18 - Executive Committee of Moscow Soviet capitulates.
Over 1,000 are believed to have died in the uprising.
- April 27 - Duma (First) opens.
- July 8 - Nicholas dissolves Duma.
- Stolypin appointed Chairman of Council of Ministers.
- August 12 - Attempted assassination of Stolypin.
- August 12 - Stolypin's first agrarian reforms.
- November 9 - Reform of communal landholding.
- February 20 - Second Duma opens.
- June 2 - Second Duma dissolved.
- November 7 - Third Duma opens. Session lasts until 1912.
- September 1 - Stolypin assassinated.
- November 15 - Fourth Duma opens.
- July - Russia mobilizes for war.
- July 19/August 1 - Germany declares war on Russia.
- August - Russia invades East Prussia and Austrian Galicia.
- April 15 - Germany conducts operations in Poland.
- July 9 - Russia begins withdrawal from Poland.
- July 19 - Duma reconvened for six weeks.
- August 22 - Nicholas assumes personal command of army.
- September 3 - Duma prorogued.
- November 1 - Duma reconvenes.
- December 17 - Murder of Rasputin.
- February 14 - Duma reconvenes.
- February 23-24 - Demonstrations in Petrograd for International Women's Day.
- Strike over food shortages.
- February 25 - Demonstrations turn violent.
- February 26 - Volynskii Regiment fires on crowd; 40 killed.
- February 28 - Provisional Committee formed from Duma Council of Elders.
- Moscow experiences disturbances.
- March 2 - Nicholas abdicates.
- March 4 - Provisional Government abolishes Police Department.
- March 5 - Provisional Government dismisses governors and deputies.
- April 21 - Bolshevik demonstrations in Petrograd and Moscow.
- April 28 - Bolsheviks organize Red Guard.
- June 3 - First All-Russian Congress of Soviets opens.
- July 11 - Kerensky becomes Prime Minister.
- August 9 - Elections to Constituent Assembly scheduled.
- October 10 - Bolshevik Central Committee votes in favor of armed seizure of power.
- October 24 - Bolsheviks take over Petrograd in response to government actions.
- October 25 - Lenin declares Provisional Government deposed.
- October 25-26 (Night) - Fall of Winter Palace.
- November 2 - Pro-government troops in Moscow surrender to Bolsheviks following 3 days of fighting.
- November 17 - Bolshevik troops forcibly take 5 million rubles from State Bank.
- December 7 (December 20) - Cheka (secret police) established.
- January 1 - Assassination attempt on Lenin.
- January 6 - Constituent Assembly closed.
- January 8 - Third Congress of Soviets opens.
- February 21-22 - Lenin issues decree authorizing summary execution of opposition.
- March 14 - Soviet Congress ratifies Brest Treaty with Germany.
- May 9 - Worker demonstrators fired on by Bolshevik troops at Kolpino.
- June - Beginning of "War Communism." Industry nationalized and grain forcibly requisitioned. (Ends in March 1921).
- July 16-17 (night) - Nicholas II, family and servants murdered in Ekaterinburg.
- July 21 - Bolsheviks massacre 350 prisoners following revolt at Iaroslavl.
- July - Bolshevik authorities execute 1,115.
- August 30 - Head of Petrograd Cheka assassinated; Assassination attempt on Lenin.
- September 5 - Bolsheviks launch Red Terror; Prisoners and hostages massacred.
- February 6 - Red Army takes Kiev.
- February 17 - Dzerzhinskii, head of Cheka, calls for creation of concentration camps.
- June 30 - Tsaritsyn captured by Wrangel.
- August 31 - Whites capture Kiev.
- September 20 - Kursk captured by Whites.
- October 13-14 - Whites advance against Moscow ends with capture of Orel.
- October 20 - Whites abandon Orel.
- November 17 - Whites abandon Kursk.
- February 7 - Kolchak executed.
- April 25 - Poles invade Ukraine.
- October 20 - Red Army begins final push in Crimea to end war.
- November 14 - Wrangel evacuates army to Constantinople.
- December - Number of concentration camps reported to be 84.
- February - Mass strikes in Petrograd.
- February 9 - Peasant uprising in western Siberia. Government forced to commit 50,000 regular army troops to end rebellion.
- February 28 - Garrison at Kronstadt fortress mutinies.
- March 17 - Red Army captures Kronstadt to end revolt.
- March 23 - Lenin announces policy which will become known as the New Economic Policy (NEP)
Policy of War Communism ended. - Spring - Drought strikes grain-growing regions.
- May 17 - Formal revocation of decree nationalizing small-scale industry.
- July 25 - Russian government agrees to accept U.S. offer of aid for famine.
- Summer - Fall - Famine
- October - State Bank created.
- November 10 - Rationing abolished.
- December - Party purges 259,000 from its membership.
- February 6 - Cheka abolished. Renamed State Political Directorate (Gosudarstvennoye Politicheskoye Upravlenie) (GPU)
- May 25 - Lenin suffers stroke.
- May - Stalin, Kamenev, and Zinoviev informally rule Politburo in "troika" arrangement.
- June-August - Show trial of SR opposition. Death sentences commuted to prison terms.
- December 15 - Lenin suffers another stroke.
- March 10 - Lenin paralyzed.
- April - Twelfth Party Congress reelects Stalin General Secretary.
- October - Number of concentration camps reaches 315.
- January 21 - Lenin dies.
- January 17-20 - Central Committee plenum removes Trotsky as Commissar of War.
- December - Fourteenth Party Congress announces industrialization plan.
- Kamenev and Zinoviev defeated. Kamenev loses position on Politburo.
- Deaths among inmates of concentration camps reported to be 18,350 for the year.
- July 26 - Zinoviev removed from Politburo.
- October - Trotsky expelled from Politburo.
- NEP phased out as an economic policy.
- October - Stalin publicly assures Party that grain procurements going well.
- November - Trotsky and Zinoviev expelled from Central Committee.
- December - Grain Crisis - Fifteenth Party Congress learns of catastrophic drop in grain collections.
- January - February - Stalin's fact-finding trip to Siberia.
- Government implements policy of forced grain requisitions.
- July - Politburo decides to end forced requisitioning.
- October 1 - First Five-Year Plan officially approved.
- January - February - Politburo session confrontation between Stalin and Rykov, Bukharin, and Tomsky.
- February - Introduction of food rationing.
Trotsky expelled from Russia. - Spring - First Five-Year Plan formally adopted.
- April - Sixteenth Party Conference adopts more aggressive collectivization policy.
- June - Government begins implementing collectivization.
Government figures show that over one million households had joined collectives. - November - Bukharin removed from Politburo.
- December 27 - Stalin calls for dekulakization, the "liquidation of kulaks as a class."
- March 2 - "Dizzy with Success" Pravda article.
- Stalin publicly criticizes officials for "excesses" in collectivization campaign.
- September - Stalin pressures local officials to resume collectivization campaign.
48 officials of People's Commissariat of Trade executed for "sabotage of food supplies."
- Fall - Famine lasting into 1933 begins. Estimated 5 to 8 million deaths.
- January - Stalin declares First Five-Year Plan a success.
- February - Second Five-Year Plan adopted (for 1933 to 1937).
- December 1 - Kirov assassinated in Smolny.
- December 5 - Military Collegium orders 39 executed in Leningrad; 29 executed in Moscow.
- December 30 - Execution of members of "Moscow Center" and "Leningrad Center" announced.
- January - Political trials of former opposition leaders. Government sentences all to prison.
- August 19 - 24 - "Trial of the sixteen." - First show trial of former opposition leaders.
- August 25 - Zinoviev, Kamenev and other defendants executed.
- September 25 - Yezhov appointed head of NKVD (People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs).
- January - Show trial in Moscow. 13 sentenced to death.
- Estimated number of victims killed for 1937: 353,000.
- March 2 - Opening of last show trial.
- March 15 - Bukharin and Rykov shot.
- Estimated number of victims killed for 1938: 328,000.
- Eighteenth Party Congress adopts Third Five-Year Plan.
- August 23 - German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact)signed in Moscow
Germany and Russia agree to divide Poland and Eastern Europe - September 1 - German forces begin invasion of Poland
- September 3 - Britain and France declare war on Germany
- September 17 - Soviet forces invade Eastern Poland
- September 28 - Poland surrenders and is partitioned between Germany and Russia
- Katyn Forest massacre (September 1939 - May 1940)- NKVD secretly executes an estimated 15,000 captured Polish army officers
- November 30 - Russian forces cross Russo-Finnish frontier:
Finnish capital, Helsinki, bombed by Red Air Force
- February 11 - Russian forces under Marshall Timoshenko breach Mannerheim Line - Finnish defensive positions
Russian forces suffer 200,000 killed; Finnish deaths total 25,000 - March 12 - Finland concludes peace agreement with Russia - Finland cedes 10 percent of its territory, but remains independent.
- April 9 - German troops parachute into Norway, securing major airports; German forces put ashore at Oslo, Narvik, Trondheim, Bergen and Kristiansand.
Danish government surrenders after German troops invade Denmark - May 10 - German forces move into France and the Low Countries - Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg
- May 19 - British Espeditionary Force (BEF) encircled by Germans in the area around the French port of Dunkirk
- May 26 - Britain begins evacuation of forces from Dunkirk
- May 28 - Belgium surrenders to Germans
- June 3 - British complete evacuation of Dunkirk forces - total of 338,226 British and French troops reach England
- June 11 - Norway surrenders to Germans
- June 14 - Germann forces enter Paris
- June 22 - France capitulates to Germany - Philippe Petain agrees to German demands
Petain sets up headquarters in Vichy, beginning rule of Vichy government - July - Yezhov executed.
- August - Trotsky murdered in Mexico.
- June 22 - Operation Barbarossa - German army begins invasion of Russia.
- September 8 - German and Finnish forces surround Leningrad, beginning two-and-a-half year siege
- September 20 - German forces capture Ukrainian capital of Kiev
- December 2 - German forces advance as far as Tula, within 20 miles of Moscow
- December 5 - Soviet forces counter-attack, driving Germans back
Germans losses reach 100,000
- August 23 - German forces in south begin new offensive
- September 4 - German advance reaches outskirts of Stalingrad, defended by General Vassili Chuikov
- October - German and Russian forces battle in street-fighting in Stalingrad
- November 19 - Red Army, under General Georgi Zhukov, launches assault, trapping German 6th Army in Stalingrad
- January 31 - General Freidrich von Paulus, and 90,000 6th Army troops, surrender at Stalingrad
- February - Soviet forces re-capture Kharkov
- March 14 - German counter-attack re-captures Kharkov
- July 4 - Battle of Kursk
Operation Citadel begins - Germans launch attack to capture city of Kursk - July 12 - Soviet 5th Tank Army confronts 600 tanks of 4th Panzer Army
- July 13 - Hitler calls off Operation Citadel
- August 17 - Final fighting around Kursk
4th Panzer Army, with the loss of over 300 tanks, retreats - August 23 - Soviet forces re-capture Kharkov
- November 6 - Kiev re-captured from Germans
- January 27 - Russian forces relieve Leningrad, after two-and-a-half year siege.
- May 9 - Red Army recaptures Sevastopol, in the Crimea
- June 6 - D-Day - Allied forces land begin landings on beaches at Normandy, France
- July 1 - City of Minsk falls to Russians
- July 28 - Soviets re-capture Brest-Litovsk
Russians now had recovered all territory lost to German forces since the start of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941 - August 1 - Soviets advance into Poland
- August 23 - Soviet forces re-capture Kharkov
- April 21 - Soviet tanks enter Berlin
- April 29 - Hitler commits suicide
- May 2 - Berlin falls to Russian army.
- May 7 - Germany surrenders
- August 6 - B-29 bomber, Enola Gay, drops atomic bomb on Japanese city of Hiroshima
75,000 believed to have died immediately, 200,000 deaths total in next five years - August 10 - B-29 bomber, Bock's Car, drops second atomic bomb on Japanese city of Nagasaki
40,000 estimated killed immediately, 70,000 by end of year - September 2 - Japan surrenders
- Christmas Day - Nuclear reactor designed by Igor Kurchatov goes critical.
- August 29 - First Lightning - Russia successfully tests atomic bomb (Joe I) at Semipalatinsk site.
- March 1-2 - Stalin suffers severe brain hemorrhage.
- March 5 - Stalin dies.
- June 26 - Nikita Khruschev orders Beria arrested
- August 12 - Soviet Union successfully tests hydrogen bomb at test-site in Kazakhstan
- December - Beria executed
- October - Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1, first artificial earth satellite
- May 1 - American U-2 spy plane shot down over Russia while conducting high-altitude reconnaissance of Soviet military installations
pilot Gary Powers captured - "U-2 incident" leads to cancellation of Eisenhower-Khruschev summit meeting two weeks later
- April 12 - Yuri Gagarin, in Vostok 1 craft, completes one revolution around the earth and becomes the first man in space
- October - Cuban missile crisis
U.S. institutes naval blockade of Cuba following discovery that Soviet missiles were being installed at Cuban bases - Khrushev agrees to withdraw missiles from Cuba in return for U.S. removal of missiles in Turkey
- June 16-19 - Valentina Tereshkova, in Vostok 6 craft, completes 48 revolutions around the earth and becomes the first woman in space
- July 2 - Khrushchev proposes ban on atmospheric nuclear tests, as well as tests in outer space and under water
- August - Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
U.S.S.R. and U.S. agree to end above-ground testing of nuclear weapons - November 22 - President Kennedy assassinated in Dallas
- October - Khruschev ousted from power
- October 16 - China tests first nuclear device at Lop Nor test site
- Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev succeeds Khruschev as first secretary
- Khruschev dies
- June - President Jimmy Carter and Leonid Brezhnev sign Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II) Treaty, to reduce the number of missiles and curbing development
- Brezhnev dies
- March - Mikhail Gorbachev elected general secretary
- November - Gorbachev and U.S. President Ronald Reagan meet at Geneva summit
- December 8 - Arms control treaty (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) (START) between the Soviet Union and the United States signed in Washington, D.C.
treaty removed one-fifth of existing nuclear weapons
- June - Party Congress decides to replace Supreme Soviet with a Congress of People's Deputies
- May - Congress of People's Deputies elects 450-member parliament with Gorbachev as president
- November 9 - Berlin Wall comes down.
- August 19 - Attempted coup by hard-line communists
Gorbachev placed under house arrest in the Crimea - Boris Yeltsin, president of the Russian Republic, rallies opposition, and coup collapses
- December 31 - USSR dissolved